SO, I don’t know about you and your part of the world, but lately the weather has been temperamental. One day...the temperature is as high as thirty-two degrees, then the next day it is sitting at sixteen. And let me not forget the wind which has been strong, loud, and proud. And although I make it a habit to check the weather before leaving the house, the weather seems to find joy in changing conditions midway through the day. So, to not get caught in the moody weather, I threw on my much beloved Mom Jeans and Navy Polar-Neck and a pair of Blue Camouflage Heels, which I have abandoned for too long.
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The other day the day started off sunny and hot and then literally out of nowhere the clouds gathered and the wind blew and it thundered a bit, and mere minutes later it cleared up and the sun returned like it never happened. I keep a jersey stashed in my backpack when I go out for this reason.